Subject ASC0000wv1
Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine.
v.13=no.37-39 (1871-1872), Page 235 (1871 - 1871)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 12540402
Rectors of Rowley Wiltshire Genealogy Heale Rowley Church Registers of Sarum Rectors of Wittenham Rectors of Rowley alias Wittenham Patrons of Rowley Patrons of Wittenham Patrons of Rowley alias Wittenham history of Rowley history of Wittenham history of Rowley alias Wittenham Rewleigh Farlegh family tree Heale of Rowley family tree Heale of Wittenham family tree Sargent of Rowley family tree Sargent of Wittenham family tree Farley parish registers Family tree church rector patron Wittenham Rectors 1300s 1400s Rowley Sargent