Subject ASC0000uyg
Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine.
v.18=no.52-54 (1879), Page 2 (1879 - 1879)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 12542669
Seymour pedigree extract. Pedigree Family Tree Seymour pedigree family tree seymour earl of hertford Edward Earl of Hertford Protector Somerset Lord Beauchamp 1612 William of Hertford 1660 Duke of Somerset Lord Seymour Trowbridge castle Marlborough 1640 1664M Sir Gilbert Prynne Allington Chippenham 1654 1675 Sarah Froxfield Hospital Broadtown Charity charity 1692 Lord Coleraine 1665 Lord Allington 1691 Hildebrand Allington Sir John Ernle Whetham Calline Chancellor of the Exchequer Exchequer Lerici Great Bedwyn 1678 the "proud" duke Sehmour Pedigree chart Seymour Pedigree