Subject ASC0000o6p
Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine.
v.5=no.13-15 (1858-1859), Page 95 (1859)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 13376029
geology Wiltshire ascending series oolitic cretaceous limestone sandstone marble gault chalk shale clay marlstone alluvium Eocene rocks Series of Rocks Geological Survey Lower Oolitic group Middle Oolitic group Upper Oolitic group Cretaceous group Alluvium sand clay Marlstone coral Bagshot sand Mammalian Drift Post Pliocene Portland beds Purbeck Green sand Cornbrash Kimmeridge clay Calcareous grit Limestone Plastic clay London clay Forest marble wiltshire lyell geological survey chart table lias oolite group great bath oxford cornbrash forest rag kimmeridge portland bed stone london plastic brackesham mammalian drift pliocene eocene green upper lower purbeck