Subject ASC000004m
Recreative Science.
1, Page 12 (1860)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 2539402
Poppy Butterreup blossom Buttercup Cruciform blossom flower poppy buttercup wallflower petal seed stamen pistel peduncle receptacle botany anatomy petals section flowering plants plant taxonomy blossom seed vessel pistil recreative science floral Analysis of petals of various plants Bulbous-rooted Ranunculus petals blossom peduncle bract. Blossom of common buttercup. Section of Butter cup blossom petal stamens pistils flower stem peduncle receptacle. plant Flower Leaf Seed vessel Blossom flowers butter cups butter cup Rannunculus calyx bract flower-stem flower-leaf common buttercup flowe illustration creeping rannunculus rannunculus flower-cup cruciform limb claw flower parts bulbous-rooted ranunculus flower cup reflexed calyx half-expanded creeping ranunculus stamens pistils ranunculus common poppy bulbous rooted buttercup