Subject ASC0002c1o
The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.1 (1845), Page 60 (1845)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 37078143
fossil shell new species shell obovate somewhat trapeziform generally thick higher than wide narrower at the dorsal than at the ventral or basal end which is turned downwards at an obtuse angle somewhat foliaceous externally muscular impression placed very near the base. oyster shell edward forbes new jersey lyell cretaceous north carolina lewis's creek washington fossil Fossil shells Cretacous formations of New Jersey Mr. Lyell Professor Edward Forbes Mr. Conrad Dr. Morton Ostrea subspatulata Lyell and Sowerby Shell obovate trapeziform Lewis's Creek South Washington North Carolina valva inferiore convexa arcuata postice crassissima superiore subdepressa