Subject ASC0001hp5

The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.5 (1849), Page 258 (1849)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 35268902


fossil limestone sandstone Alps alps granite quartxosc sandstone talc schist oxfordian jura liassol-jurassic Jurassic Flysch or Tertiary Carpathian sandstone Nummulite rock Tatra Zagopane Giuba Tavka secondary Carpathian sandstone shale Neocomian Cretaceous altered limestone Rugosnik Valley of Neumarkt Guba Tavka Caparthian Eocene Tertiary Carpathian Oxfordian Jura Liasso-jurassic Quartose sandstone Tale schist Tarra geolocical The structure of the Alps

