Subject ASC0001fpn

The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.7 (1851), Page 244 (1851)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 34983939


shale rain-prints sandstone cape breton nova scotia carboniferous worm-tracks shrinkage-cracks carboniferous rain-prints green shale Cape Breton Nova Scotia Carboniferous rain-prints layer of sandstone Quarterly Journal of Geological Society 6th volume Carboniferous rain prints Richard Brown Sydney coal field coal 30 underclays stigmaria different levels fossil trunks erect perpendicular trees sea beaches inclined planes stratification roots intercalated strata Carboniferous rain print with work tracks Casts of same rain prints No. 5 under side incumbent layer Fig 7 Casts of carboniferous rain prints shrinkage cracks underside layer warty surface blistered surface geology rain prints Carboniferous fossils worm tracks

