Subject ASC0001200

The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.67 (1911), Page 659 (1845)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 39749587


ostracoda middle eocene bint fossil flower valves loxoconcha cyrenaica species sulcus pits Valves in side view subquadrate anterior border rounded below and obliquely truncate above posterior extremity bluntly acuminate ventral border sinuous and convex in the posterior third dorsal border nearly straight. Edge view subtrigonal thickest in the posterior third sloping evenly towards the anterior edge. Surface of the valves covered with fine prickles the sulcus behind the anterior margin is relieved by a few large pits with evidence of less conspicuous pits along the extreme anterior margin. [No. 29 from near Bine east of Derna Middle Eocene.] sp.nov. x40

