Subject ASC00010r8
The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.59 (1903), Page 28 (1903)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 41496959
Rock bore stone water water level well 5-Row table describing a boring into the earth for the purpose of water-supply: to the left is description of type of earth found and to the right at what Thickness and Depth it was found listed in feet. Rows listed as: Surface-deposits {Soil Sand and yellow clay}. Northampton Sands...Ferruginous limestone Upper Lias...Blue clay with layers of concretionary nodules. Marlstone...Dark greenish-blue limestone and Middle Liassic Clays...Hard silty clay greenish in colour sandy and micaceious. Boring Marlstone Rock-bed Middle Lias Upper Lias Caythorpe Caythorpe Court Lincolnshire Liassic clay Limestone geological strata geology deposits depth thickness soil deposit sand lias marlstone clay upper sands