Subject ASC0000yxn
The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
v.37 (1881), Page 220 (1881)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 43972246
geographical distribution gasteropoda england scotland ireland belgium america occurrences acroculia chiton euomphalus littorina macrocheilus metoptoma murchisonia natica naticopsis patella phanerotinus platyschisma pleurotomaria turritella turbo loxonema fossils carboniferous Gasteropoda table snail Geographical distribution of gasteropoda Gastropoda: genera gastropod pteropod pteropoda heteropod heteropoda England Scotland Ireland Belgium America conularia bellerophon porcellia Yoredale calciferous sandstones calciferous tuedian lower limestone shale gasteropods genera Acroculia Chiton Euomphalus Littorina Macrocheilus Metoptoma Murchisonia Natica Naticopsis Patella Phanerotinus Platyschisma Pleurotomaria Turritella Turbo Loxonema distribution