Subject ASC00009cx
Midland naturalist.
v.5 1882, (1882)
Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden
BHL Page 14075335
Standing stones stag mammoth bee furn octopus dog rose fish technical instruments mushroom Swimming Spores Fossil Flightless bird Dogrose and cows note animal names for flowers Ice age landscape Meteorological phenomenon Male deer? Bee Microscopic Mammoth tusks Rock formation Deer Stag Antlers Sun fern Plant flower bird Kiwi Skeleton Marine Tetrapod Octopus Squid mammoth menhir deer fossil dinosaur kiwi tools apparatus cover reindeer plants 1882 New York Library Midland fossil of whale insects stounhedge The Midland Naturalist mammuth ibis squid woolly mammoth wading bird ancient fish spore seed mechanism standing stone midland naturalist natural history nature worthington smith Midland Naturalist The whole page is a beautiful drawing of flora and fauna - title page to the Midland Naturalist Bug Clock Tools FLower Animal from Australia Skeliton Octupus Leaf