Subject ASC0000966
Midland naturalist.
v.4 1881, Page 68 (1881)
Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden
BHL Page 14315114
botanical Observations counts March flowers birds insects phenological observations chart list of plants birds found in March first sighting annual rhythms botany plants insects and birds - its a listed table showing dates of flowering earliest and latest and showing latin name and common name. insects and birds states latin and common name march March plants March insects and birds winter gnat wood anemone botanical notes blooming song birds song begins season spring
- Ground Ivy
- Nepeta glechoma
- Pieris rapae
- Cowslip
- White Cabbage butterfly
- daffodil
- Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus
- chiff chaff
- Chiff-Chaff
- Phylloscopus collybita
- Prunus spinosa
- Wych Elm
- Ulmus montana
- Wood Anemone
- Anemone nemorosa
- apis mellifica
- Willow Wren
- Primula Veris
- Salix caprea
- Honey bee
- rook
- Corvus frugilegus
- Draba verna
- Caltha palustris
- Potentilla Fragariastrum
- Petasites vulgaris
- Butter-bur
- sweet violet
- Great sallow
- Whitlow grass
- Marsh Marigold
- Blackthorn
- Winter Gnat
- Honey-Bee
- Small White Cabbage Butterfly
- chiff-caff
- insect and bird species
- plant species
- Wych Elcm
- barren strawberry
- Barren Straw
- Trichocera hiemalis
- Corus frugilegus
- Pylloscopus collybita
- Phylloscopus trochilus
- Petasite vulgaris
- Viola odorata
- Anemon nemorsa
- Nepta Glechoma
- Phylloscous trochilus