Subject ASC00008vk
Midland naturalist.
v.3 1880, Page 229 (1880)
Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden
BHL Page 14313341
table flowering plants 1880 botanical dates flowering Botanical botanical notes from south beds. Flowers: South Beds:Flowering dates:Phenology: Earliest Observed Dates of Flowering in 1880 flowering dates botany phenological observations dates of earliest flowering plant flowering seasonal flowering last date of flowering seasonal variation plant species list of flowering dates plants botanical notes Notes from South Beds bog marsh meadow wetland sandy soil coppice chalk hill hedge Chiltern Hills chalk escarpment woods earliest date of flowering flowers trees medicinal plants summer latest date of flowering Flowers species date aspect situation latest observed dates of flowering Botanical: earliest/latest observe dated of flowering 1890 Flowering plants earliest observed dates flowering Britain
- Gymnadenia conopsea
- Campanula rotundifolia
- blank
- Parnassia palustris
- Tilia europaea
- Chlora perfoliata
- Alisma Plantago
- yellow-wort
- terrestrial orchid
- fragrant orchid
- bee orchid
- Ophrys apifera
- Orchis ustulata
- water dropwort
- Devil's Bit, Blue Buttons
- marsh arrow grass
- bellflower?
- cinquefoil
- Sheep's bit scabious
- common hemp-nettle
- St. John's wort
- dark mullein
- common marsh bedstraw
- fen bedstraw
- marsh ragwort
- Botanical
- oregano
- common centaury, European centaury
- evergreen clematis, old-man's beard
- common lime tree
- mad-dog weed, European water-plantain, common water-plantain
- great willowherb
- hemp-agrimony
- Scottish bluebell
- giant bellflower
- mugwort
- black henbane
- gentian
- grass-of-parnassus, bog-star
- burnet saxifrage
- common wintergreen
- burnt orchid, burnt-tip orchid
- Common Twayblade Orchid
- wood sanicle
- trigoochin palustre
- Orchis pyramidalis
- Campanulata glomerata
- cenanthe fistulosa
- Scabiosa succisa
- Potentilla Comarum
- Carduus palustris
- Carduus arvensis
- triglochin palustre
- Oenante fistulosa
- Potentilla Camarum
- Cardus palustris
- Cardus arvensis
- Jasione montana
- Galeopsis Tetrahit
- Hypericum perforatum
- Oenanthe fistulosa
- Verbascum negrum
- Galium palustre
- Galium uliginosum
- Senecio aquaticus
- Erythraea Centaurea
- Verbascum nigrum
- epilobeum hirsutum
- eupatorium cannabium
- campanula rotundiflora
- Campanula latifolia
- Origanum vulgare
- Artemisia vulgaris
- clematis vitalba
- Epilobium hirsutum
- Eupatorium cannabinum
- Hyoscyamus niger
- Gentiana Amarella
- Pimpinella saxifraga
- Pyrola minor
- Listera ovata
- sanicula eurpæa
- Sanicula europaea