Subject ASC0000gdf
Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorology.
v. 3 (1830), Page 159 (1830)
Smithsonian Libraries
BHL Page 27018321
Gloucestershire Gloucester Natural History Society Fossils Remains Foxcote W. B. Rose J. D. C. Sowerby Shells Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales Coteswold Hills Shipston on Stour Worcestershire marly sandstone A collection of fossils shell mollusc fossil shell fossils shells fossils Ammonites planicosta Picten Belemnites Pentacrinus gryphea Ostrea Various djells
- blank
- Fossils
- Ammonites
- ammonites hawskeriensis
- Venus
- Pholadomya producta
- Terebratula tetraedra
- terebratula media
- Terebratula bidens
- Amphidésma pholadifórmis
- Terebratula ovoides
- Pécten aequiválvis
- Terebratula orbicularis
- shells
- Ammonites hawskerriensis
- Pholodomya prodúcta
- Terabrátula tetraedra
- Terebratula tetraeda
- Terebratula tetraida
- Terabrátula media
- Terabrátula bidens
- Pieten aequivalvis
- Amphidesma pholadiformis; Pullastra Murchison
- Amphidesma pholadiformes
- ammonites terebratula
- Terabrátula orbicularis
- Terabrátula ovoides