Subject ASC00006vs
Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorology.
v. 9 (1836), Page 376 (1836)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 2293321
U'nio distortus Bean Cypris concentrica Bean Upper Sandstone and Shale of Scarborough and Cypris arcuata Bean Coral formation of Newcastle clam bivalve fossil shell Descriptioin and Figures of Unio distortus Bean and Cypris concentrica Bean from the Upper Sandstone and Shale of Scarborough and cypris arcuata Bean from the Coal Formation of Newcastle. By William Bean Esq. Cypris concentrica mihi Palaeontology Upper Sandstone and Shale of Scarborough Coal Formation of Newcastel Gristhorpe Bay shells appearance Shell mollusc shale