Subject ASC00006rl

Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorology.
v. 9 (1836), Page 234 (1836)
Natural History Museum Library, London
BHL Page 2293243


dorsibranchia arenicola marina nereis pelagica Spio Fab calcarea worms Arenicola Lam Dorsibranchia Whitehead Belfast Lough limestone shores mud pools tubular common seashore tubes natural size enlarged dorsibra'n chia Spio Fab. calcarea s.filicornis Fab. Arenicola Lam. marina Lin. Annulose and Rayed Animals Arenicola sandy shore black mud inhabit tentacles animals animal sandy shores Title: Annulose and Rayed Animals Section tital DORSIBRA'N CHIA Areniola Lam. marina Lin. Nereis Cuv. pelagica Gm Spio Fab. Calcarea S. filicornis Fab.? insect limestone rock sea shore elongated body jointed body long tentacula diagram tentacle invertebrates Annelida

