Subject ASC0000cnm
Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature.
v. 5 (1869), Page 270 (1869)
BHL Page 1848350
plant hairs Microscopic view dendritic hair branched hair jointed hair plant hair leaf hair plant leaves Broom -rape leaves Mullein leaves common Primrose leaves Ribwort leaves Spiderwort leaves Hawkweed leaves Musk plant leaves
- Antirrhinum
- blank
- Primrose
- Verbascum Thapsus
- broom rape
- Mullein
- Broom-rape
- common primrose
- orobenche caryphyllacca
- Verbascum Thapusa
- Orobanche caryophyllacea
- Primula vulgaris
- Orobanche caryophyliacea
- American Spiderwort
- Scrophularia nodosa
- Tradescantia zebrina
- lychnis floscuculi
- Scophularia nodosa
- Antirrhinum majus
- Luchnis Floscuculi
- antirrhinum malus
- Ribwort Plantain
- ribwort
- Plantago lanceolata
- Plantago lauceolata
- musk plant
- Mimulus moschata