Subject ASC000032p

Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature.
v. 11 (1875), Page 149 (1875)
BHL Page 1639607


Chrysops foot mouth tongue tip upper lip rasps terminates female labium tully extended expanded labum lingua lower mandibles maxillae episoma organs left-hand mandible serrated maxilla fringe hairs sharp teeth insect drawing Diptera gad-fly breeze-fly Brown-stout Tabanidae Fig. 95 Haematopota x90 diams Chrysops caecutiens Fig. 96 Female Mouth x28 diams. Labium Upper lip Labrum Tongue Lingua Lower Lip Mandibles Maxillae Maxillary Palpi Fig. 97 x165 diams Upper Lip Fig. 98 Mandible left Maxilla Haematopotae labrium lingun maxillary paipi

