Subject ASC00002mp
Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature.
v. 9 (1873), Page 85 (1873)
BHL Page 1677904
cambrian grits slates flags lingula dykes bedding sandstone ashes volcanic fossiliferousl felspathic marsupiocrinites caelatus arms proboscis shell pelvis stomach fingers fossil star-fish protaster miltoni ophiuridae plates portion protaster palaeocoma marstoni palaeocoma colvini palmipes pteraster geology strata snowdon purple grits lower cardoc beds fossils crinoid star fish section across Snowdon Range cambrian grey purple grits and slates dislocated Lingula flags faulted llandeilo dark grey traversed by eruptive dykes bluish-grey and brownish sandstone lower Caradoc beds felspathic ashes volcanic grit upper part of the Caradoc Bala fossiliferous calcareous palaeontology Marsupio-crinites caelatus magnified base of the arms inserted in the shell acroculia haliotis reduced crotalo-crinus rugosus bag-like cluster of arms surrounding the small round pelvis latter of natural size stomach-plates stripped off showing base of many-fingered arms flat stomachal surface branching of the arms reticulated congeries of fingers joint being anchylosed to its neighbour biology fossil starfish lower ludlow rocks protaster milton form of Ophiuridae numerous plates small portion of a Protaster colvini allied to palmipes and pteraster section Snowdown Range geology Probocis cealatus Star-fish Lower Ludlow Rocks Orphiuridae snowdon range cross section starfish