Subject ASC000019t

Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature.
v. 3 (1867), Page 107 (1867)
BHL Page 1780781


lice early stages hair growth mycelical cellular enlarged cells shape size fungus Dtr. Braxton Hicks shaft and cutcle 1867 chignon fungus parasite louse gregarinae cuticle shaft gregarinae lice skin disease Lindemann Ray Lankester Dr. Braxton Hicks F.R.S. If a hair be placed under the microscope with a quarter inch objective the mass will be seen to be made up of cellular bodies surrounding the hair such as are seen in figures 75 and 76 kindly drawn for my by Dr. Braxton hicks F.R.S hair parasites gregarines sporular hair parasite microscopic image mycelial filamentous parasite microscopic controversy disease false hair lice? grengarine

